First and last line is crusial to discover what format key is exported here there is:
That means this is using DER Distinguished Encoding Rules But it can be also
which mean key is exported in slightly differetnt format this challengese use first option. But for OPENSSH format description is here
and looks like that
// AUTH_MAGIC is a hard-coded, null-terminated string,
// set to "openssh-key-v1".
byte[n] AUTH_MAGIC
// ciphername determines the cipher name (if any),
// or is set to "none", when no encryption is used.
string ciphername
// kdfname determines the KDF function name, which is
// either "bcrypt" or "none"
string kdfname
// kdfoptions field.
// This one is actually a buffer with size determined by the
// uint32 value, which preceeds it.
// If no encryption was used to protect the private key,
// it's contents will be the [0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00] bytes (empty string).
// You should read the embedded buffer, only if it's size is
// different than 0.
uint32 (size of buffer)
string salt
uint32 rounds
// Number of keys embedded within the blob.
// This value is always set to 1, at least in the
// current implementation of the private key format.
uint32 number-of-keys
// Public key section.
// This one is a buffer, in which the public key is embedded.
// Size of the buffer is determined by the uint32 value,
// which preceeds it.
// The public components below are for RSA public keys.
uint32 (size of buffer)
string keytype ("ssh-rsa")
mpint e (RSA public exponent)
mpint n (RSA modulus)
// Encrypted section
// This one is a again a buffer with size
// specified by the uint32 value, which preceeds it.
// The fields below are for RSA private keys.
uint32 (size of buffer)
uint32 check-int
uint32 check-int (must match with previous check-int value)
string keytype ("ssh-rsa")
mpint n (RSA modulus)
mpint e (RSA public exponent)
mpint d (RSA private exponent)
mpint iqmp (RSA Inverse of Q Mod P, a.k.a iqmp)
mpint p (RSA prime 1)
mpint q (RSA prime 2)
string comment (Comment associated with the key)
byte[n] padding (Padding according to the rules above)
But that is out of the scope of this challenge. This use use DER and this is type-length-value encoding.
Each type is defined as follows:
type (hex)
Bit String
Octet String
Object Identifier
10 (or 30)*
Sequence and Sequence of
11 (or 31)*
Set and Set of
Two types with * are always encoded as 0x30 or 0x31, because 6th bit is used to indicate wheter a field is Constructed or Primitive, these two tags are always Constructed so thier encoding has bit 6 set to 1.
This can be read as INT that is 3byte long and its value is 0b110011
But length can be saved in more deliberete way: if first octet after type have 8th bit set to 1 then it shows that length is written in long form so if next byte after type starts with 0x8X it means that it uses long form of length encoding and value of X describe length in bytes
82 01 01
00 D8 7A ...[snipped]...
So here it is type INT with long form of length
0x82 0x80 confirm long from and 2 says that length is encoded on 2 byte so 0x0101 is full length
Key can be decoded from base64 and saved as raw bytes. This allows for decoding it by hand. To do that first and last line need to be deleted as -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- isn't valid base64.
Decoded and save key looks like this:
Most of the key is missing but compare it with dummy generated key This article says that 0x0282 is header where the most important values are p,q,dp,dq,N,
Seraching through dummy key there are 7 hits
Running it on obfuscated key it results only in 3 hits, but offsets are simillar.
RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
version Version,
modulus INTEGER, -- n
publicExponent INTEGER, -- e
privateExponent INTEGER, -- d
prime1 INTEGER, -- p
prime2 INTEGER, -- q
exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1)
exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1)
coefficient INTEGER, -- (inverse of q) mod p
otherPrimeInfos OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL
By keeping in mind this private key format and applying it to dummy key also assuming that e is small so it isn't using long lenght encoding and coefficient can be quite big so it is using it. Data should be as follow:
coefficient at offset 829
dq at offset 724
dp at offset 61F
q at offset 51A
p at offset 415
d at offset 211
So applying it to challenge redacted key:
coefficient is missing
there are some first bytes of dq (offset 723)
there is whole dp (offset 61E)
there is whole prime q (offset 519)
And all of this allows for recovering private key as according to (page 8)
e*dp = kp*(p-1) + 1
and this allows for p bruteforcing as kp < e After some maths shananigans
p = (e*dp-1)/kp + 1
Appart from p value some other values needs to be calculated
Private exponent d = pow(e, -1, (possible_p-1)*(q-1))
Second exponent dq = d % (q-1)
Modulus N = possible_p * q
Putting it togheter:
from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
# RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
# version Version,
# modulus INTEGER, -- n
# publicExponent INTEGER, -- e
# privateExponent INTEGER, -- d
# prime1 INTEGER, -- p
# prime2 INTEGER, -- q
# exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1)
# exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1)
# coefficient INTEGER, -- (inverse of q) mod p
# otherPrimeInfos OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL
# }
#upper bits of dq
dq = 0x56C2A8322A8140
#whole dp
#whole q
#Acording to Recovering cryptographic keys from partial information, by example
# e*dp = kp*(p-1) + 1
# e*dq=1+kq*(q-1) + 1
#kp < e and kq > e
#This allows for bruteforcing `p` value
#with p=(e*dp-1)/kp + 1
public_exponent = 65537
#we need to bruteforce both values `e` and `kp` for finding p
killswitch = False
for e in range(3, public_exponent):
for kp in range(1,e):
possible_p = (e * dp -1)//kp +1
if isPrime(possible_p):
print(f"p candidate {str(possible_p)[:20]}...[snipp]...")
N = possible_p * q
#math is hard there is some error for some primes base is non invertable so i just skip it i hope it work #todd_howard
d = pow(e, -1, (possible_p-1)*(q-1))
possible_dp = d % (possible_p-1)
if possible_dp == dp:
possible_dq = d % (q-1)
if hex(possible_dq).startswith(hex(dq)):
dq = possible_dq
print("It just works - dq match")
print(f"found exact prime: {possible_p}")
print(f"Found e: {e}")
print(f"Found d: {d}")
print(f"Found N: {N}")
p = possible_p
found_e = e
found_d = d
found_N = N
killswitch = True
if killswitch:
# so now we know everything to construct RSA key (N,p,q,e,d)
reconstructed_key = RSA.construct((found_N,found_e,found_d,p,q))
pem = reconstructed_key.exportKey("PEM")
There is one assumption done as there is no known e value I assumed it is no larger than usual 65537